2年生英語課題 Who am I quiz Album ver.の例

Dear second year students,

Are you ready for “Who am I quiz Album ver.?

I can’t wait to see your cute photos.

Well, I got photos of a Fuzoku J.H.S teacher.

Who is she? Please guess.


I am one year old in this picture. I am eating watermelon.

I liked watermelons a lot, so I had a very big slice of watermelon.

My hair was very curly then and I liked my curly hair.

Now I don’t like my curly hair because it becomes very curly on rainy days.

In this picture, I am three years old.

I am in a zoo.

I went to the zoo after I visited a shrine for Shichi-Go-San.

I looked very happy but I was afraid of animals then.

I am afraid of animals now too.